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February 22, 2025

MICHAEL A. GRIFFIN, CEO of Ashanti Produce International – Honorary Consular ofthe Republic of Namibia «The time is now to go back to Africa, the motherland»

  • mars 22, 2020
  • 1 min read
MICHAEL A. GRIFFIN, CEO of Ashanti Produce International – Honorary Consular ofthe Republic of Namibia «The time is now to go back to Africa, the motherland»

An African American entrepreneur active in growing the economic relations between Africa and the USA, Michael Griffin was one of the panelists to whom the audience listened carefully at the USA-Africa Trade Conference in Baltimore, Maryland, on 18 February 2020. He has a precise opinion on what to do to economically reconnect Africans and their African American brothers and sisters. What is the business of Ashanti Produce International? For the past 27 years, we have been importing pineapple from Ghana to the United States. In general, our business is the trade of agricultural products from Africa to the USA. And globally. Currently, I’m working on a project called “Reclaim the Grain.” This project helps to establish rational yields throughout West Africa. For instance, in Ghana, we introduced a product that has been patterned and approved in the United States. One of Africans’ major problems is they import much of their rice. From China or Asia. Now, we have developed a product called AV-5055 that will allow Africa to become not only sustainable but also a major rice exporter. To have a substantial rice program, you must have between 8500 to 10,000 kilos of AV-5055 per hectare.

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Hommes d'Afrique Magazine

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